Home - Tealights - Bulk Tea Lights 500 White Boxed

Bulk Tea Lights 500 White Boxed

Bulk Tea Lights 500 White Boxed
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18.00 lbs
Our price:
These white unscented bulk tea light candles come 500 per case packed in 50 boxes of 10. Tea lights are great to use when you want to spread a lot of candles around a room. With all the tea lights lit you can create a really romantic atmosphere. These unscented candles are also used a lot as accents around larger centerpieces either in the home or at special events. They should always be placed on a heat resistant surface or in a holder because the metal cups can get really hot when the wax is almost all used up.

What It Smells Like:

For the occasions where fragrance is not desired or needed, and for our olfactory sensitive customers, these candles contain no fragrance additives. A candle need not to be scented in order to enjoy the romantic ambiance it creates when it is lit.

Product Specs:

  • Burn Time: 4 to 5 hours
  • Fragrance: unscented, no fragrance
  • Wick: 100 percent lead free
  • Size: 1.5 in. diameter x .63 in. tall
  • Sold: 500 candles per case
  • Wax: paraffin
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